Friday, June 8, 2007

Improve Google PR and Technocrati Rank With Viral Tags

Jimmy Huen from Founders Cafe has had a great idea and has taken Viralink to the next step. Viralink was flawed with the use of stars only anchor text but this was also the simplicity of it and each link was equal. Now Jimmy has come up with ViralTags. It’s the same concept as viralink and WILL get you loads of backlinks with the added dimension of being able to insert your own anchor text.

Below is the step further that Jimmy Huen from Founders Cafe has come up with, why don't give a try:

============= Copy and Paste below this line ===============


1.) Copy and paste the matrix of “ViralTags” below courtesy of Founders Cafe (to support Jimmy’s quest of launching his own Internet Startup with a shoestring budget, please consider subscribing to his Full RSS Feed to see his triumps and struggles in real time).

2.) Substitute the Host Tag and one of the “Viral Tags” in the matrix with your anchor text of choice with your blog’s URL. Please keep anchor text to a max of 3 words to keep the matrix size manageable.

3.) When you get a ping back from someone that has your link in one of their “Viral Tags”, practice good karma by copying his/her Host Tag’s anchor text (automatically the associated link will also be copied) and paste it over one of your “Viral Tags” below.

4.) Encourage and invite your readers to do the same and soon this can grow virally.

esofthub's web finds Manila Mom Tech at Hand Germany - USA Internet Marketing Austria Monetize Your Blog DayMindXPression Technology Music Life Bloggointestinale 2012movies Wolly’s Weblog iMod Startup Entrepreneur Money …Lord Zarcon One Million Shirts yung . silent whisper Catepol Agloco Internet Marketing Samuele Silva Tech Gadgets Stocks Mario’s Weblog Sciura Pina Make Money Online bayle Biohazard Profitable Productive Blogging Alex2000 Telemaco randomaccesslife Acchiappasogni Cat On My Head Earn Money Online Master Engrafter Alex2000 Steve’s Tech Blog Entrepreneurship Internet Web Dietro è a casa, davanti a noi il mondo… Reyna Elena My Life start a blog Tech-Hack Rambling making money online Tech Startups Web2.0 Business Chats Malaysian Stocks INC Plugins TV Blogging Savvy Writer Anything n Everything ViralTags Really Funny Jokes Mariuca's Perfume Gallery ViralTags Internet Marketing German ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags Myspace Make-money Millionaire Business Blog Web ViralTags Anitokid Chronikos ViralTags esofthub’s web finds ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags Dott-Com Dot Com ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags The Broken Bow Infokarir Jobs ViralTags Domain Development Blogs ViralTags ViralTags Make Money Online Resource Cente ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags ViralTags

Important: Once I get a ping back from you, I will add your anchor text and the associated link you designate as “Host Tag” here, replacing one of the “ViralTags” from the matrix above. As more and more bloggers copy and paste this matrix, the more backlinks you will have with your anchor text. If everybody who copy and paste from your blog does the same, pretty soon this will spread and go viral. So, the sooner you participate, the more links with anchor text you will receive.

=============== Copy and Paste from Above this line =========

Hope this should help we to improve our Technocrati ranking, SERP and Google PR. Please leave comment here if you have copied from this matrix so that I can add you just in case your ping back didn’t reach me.


d'astro said...

Hai WhoopS

I have added your viral tags, please link back to me.

You can see your viral tags here


Zen said...

Helo Infokarir.

Check out other blogs here-there growing so fast with chain link.

Anonymous said...

Youre in! ;-)

All the best


Zen said...

tq andy.

let see what happen. post up great info there on ur blog.


Zen said...

already added - check it out. thanks

Ashley said...

I viralinked you. I would be very grateful if you returned the favor. :)

NIHAL said...

Hi there. I've just joined the Viral Tag Link. Your site is listed on my page. Hope you would reciprocate this back. Thanks in advance.

Zen said...

to Nihal & your in.

All the best.

Zen said...

(b)(b) you're in


Mariuca said...

Hi, I've added you to both my blogs as well, pls link me up! Here are my URLs
Thanks! :)

Zen said...

mariuca you are in and check it out the new one here

Anonymous said...

Hey there, i added your link to my viral link matrix and I was hoping that you would return the favor! URL- TAG-HUMA B~ Thanks!

Bobby Revell said...

I have my blog already linking to you.
Please add it to your viral tag matrix. Thanks:)

Palin Ningthoujam said...

hi, i have linked to you on my Social Media blog.

Was wondering if you could link back.
anchor: Social Media

Cheers, PN

Yasmin said...

Hello therefvl.

I've joined the Viral Tag and I've added your site, could you do the same for me. My Host tag is "Good Jokes".

Thank You.

A Silken Touch said...

I have added you to the four blogs of mine.
The Third Eye:
Earn Money on Internet:

Could you please add my four blogs to the mesh.


Unikversiti said...

Peace n howdy??

I tagged you my fren, hope you can do the same ;)

Here is the post
My Viral Tags
